4 Snacks For Improving Diabetes

4 Snacks For Improving Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease without a permanent cure. It is caused due to abnormal levels of insulin in the bloodstream. If you want to manage diabetes, you will have to keep an eye on your food intake. It is not necessary that diabetes-friendly snacks should always be bland. You don’t always have to restrict your diet with specialized foods. You only have to be careful about your intake of sugars, starches, and carbohydrates, and limit salt, sugar, and fat. Here’s a curated list of some of the most healthy and delicious snacks for managing and improving diabetes. Yogurt and berries Keep your pantry well-stocked with berries and yogurt because a combination of these is one of the best snacks for improving diabetes. Moreover, the sweetness of berries with the tartness of yogurt tastes quite palatable. The antioxidants in berries lower inflammation. Additionally, the antioxidants prevent cell damage of the pancreas. The pancreas is responsible for releasing the hormone insulin in the bloodstream. This hormone manages blood sugar levels. Also, berries are a rich source of fiber. A cup of blueberries can give you nearly 4 grams of dietary fiber with each serving. Moreover, the addition of yogurt can also lower blood sugar levels due to the high probiotic and protein content.
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5 Healthy Snacks That Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

5 Healthy Snacks That Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

5 healthy snacks that ease rheumatoid arthritis pain There are certain ailments that aren’t life-threatening but can wreak havoc on your life unless you take serious measures to manage it. Rheumatoid arthritis is one such chronic autoimmune disease that causes joint pain and damage throughout the body. What makes living with rheumatoid arthritis so difficult is that the pain usually occurs on both sides of the body; so, if a joint in one of your arms or legs is affected, then the same joint in the other arm or leg will be affected as well. This is what makes rheumatoid arthritis different from other types of arthritis. Though there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, there are certain treatment methods that are meant to help keep the condition under control. Also, you’ll have to make certain lifestyle amends as it helps you manage rheumatoid arthritis better. This involves adhering to a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet. This diet does not have to be boring; you can try these healthy snacks that are tasty and help in managing rheumatoid arthritis. Walnuts Snacking on nuts is always a healthy option. If you are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, walnuts will prove to be your go-to healthy snack.
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5 Foods For White Teeth

5 Foods For White Teeth

5 foods for white teeth If a picture is worth a thousand words, surely a smile must be worth a million. Smiling also uplifts your mood, which is a good enough reason to flash your pearly white teeth. In case they are not pearly white and not worth showing off, it is time to take measures. There are many whitening treatments available for you to choose from, but why go in for chemicals when you have natural options? You can whiten your teeth by strategically incorporating certain foods in your diet. A well-balanced diet of fruits and veggies, lean proteins, calcium, and dairy products, along with up to 3 liters of water in a day not only helps you retain a healthy waistline, but it can also bring a beautiful smile to your face. Sufficient calcium in your diet can help you do away with discoloration caused by enamel eroding, which leads to the dentin being exposed. Calcium helps to strengthen the enamel and keep the teeth pearly white. Some of the calcium requirements can be met through dairy products, oils, and peels mentioned here: Cheese : Cheese is supposed to be great for your teeth. It has high levels of phosphate and calcium, which naturally strengthens the teeth and bones.
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Food To Eat And Avoid For IBS

Food To Eat And Avoid For IBS

Foods to eat and avoid for IBS Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) results in gut-wrenching abdominal pain accompanied by cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. This condition is not life-threatening, but it causes great difficulty in going about your daily activities. It becomes almost impossible to function without uneasiness when you are suffering from IBS. At times, it is impossible to leave the bed or the bathroom, making it one of the most discomforting conditions to be in. The condition is known to have a higher number of cases among women than among men, and many cases also go undiagnosed as people do not consult a doctor. Causes of IBS Although the exact cause of the condition is unknown, the muscles in the colon becoming overly sensitive may cause IBS. These muscles are responsible for pushing the stool out of the body, and hindrance in their functions would mean problems with bowel movements and abdominal pain. People often develop this syndrome post a gastrointestinal illness, after a course of antibiotics, or during or post an emotional trauma. Food to eat for IBS As what we eat determines our health, it becomes important to draw attention to the food we consume. Eating right will help your body receive the right nutrition.
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Keto Diet

Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Keto Diet

Advantages and disadvantages of a keto diet With Instagram trending with keto hashtags and many restaurants coming up with keto menus, it can be said that the keto diet has taken the world by storm. But what is the weight loss strategy with this diet? A ketogenic or keto diet is a form of diet that lets one load up on the fat, and skimp on the carbohydrates to enable weight loss. Though it sounds quite contrary to the more familiar diet plans that place fats on strict restriction, it is similar to the Atkins diet, which also focuses on cutting down on carbs and choosing a high intake of fats and proteins for energy. The weight loss idea behind the keto diet is that when the body doesn’t have enough glucose (from carbohydrates) for energy, it starts converting fats into small molecules called ketones to provide energy. This process, called ketosis takes place in the liver, and burns the fat in the body, enabling weight loss. A rough calculation for a keto diet would be having 5% intake from carbohydrates, 15% to 25% from protein, and the rest from fat. Some of the most commonly recommended foods that can be included in the keto diet are eggs, fish, meat, poultry, cheese, butter, berries, nuts, and chocolate.
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6 Foods And Drinks For Maintaining Liver Health

6 Foods And Drinks For Maintaining Liver Health

6 foods and drinks for maintaining liver health Your liver carries out several bodily functions, which means a healthy liver is an integral part of maintaining your overall health. It detoxifies your body, produces glucose, and even breaks down carbohydrates. Most importantly, it stores nutrients and creates bile, which aids the digestion and absorption of the food you intake. Abnormal functioning of your liver can lead to several issues like metabolic disorder and can also increase your risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes. Managing all the risks posed to your liver may not be possible, but you can take several measures to promote good liver health. One of the best ways to do this to eat certain foods and drinks that render benefits to the organ: Garlic : Garlic is revered for the several benefits that it carries for your heart health. You may have not known it, but this food also has stimulating effects on the liver. Some studies say that regular garlic consumption may help you with reduction in weight and fat. This is especially beneficial as being overweight can trigger Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFLD due to a buildup of fat in your liver. Green tea :
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Include These Seeds And Herbs In Your Diet To Combat Lymphoma

Include These Seeds And Herbs In Your Diet To Combat Lymphoma

Include these seeds and herbs in your diet to combat lymphoma Antioxidants are molecules in the body that fight free radicals present in the human system. Free radicals are compounds that can cause harm if their levels become too high in your body. They are one of the causes of cancer. The human body has its antioxidant defense to keep free radicals in control. However, antioxidants are also found in food, especially in fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based whole foods. Vitamins E and C are effective antioxidants. The body also needs free radicals to fight infections. There should be a certain balance of free radicals and antioxidants. When free radicals outnumber antioxidants it is called a state of oxidative stress. Continued oxidative stress can damage your DNA and other molecules, and can even lead to cell death. Damage to DNA increases your risk of cancer. There are numerous benefits of including seeds in your diet. As they are high in antioxidants, they help fight against lymphoma. Some of the highly beneficial seeds that should be included in one’s diet to fight lymphoma are: Sunflower seeds A quarter cup of sunflower seeds provides you with ninety percent of your RDI of Vitamin E.
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Fiber-Packed Foods That Help Your Gut Fight Melanoma

Fiber-Packed Foods That Help Your Gut Fight Melanoma

Fiber-packed foods that help your gut fight melanoma Melanoma is the most aggressive and dangerous type of skin cancer diagnosed that accounts for about 1% of all skin cancers. According to new statistics by the American Cancer Society, about 96,480 cases will be diagnosed for 2019. The rates of melanoma have been on the rise for the last 30 years now, according to the report. It is a type of skin cancer where melanin, i.e., the cells that give color to the skin, start becoming cancerous. The symptoms for this illness include a new, unusual growth or change in an existing mole, and they may appear anywhere on the body. The treatment for this type of cancer involves surgery, radiation, or, in some cases, even chemotherapy, along with medications. For most illnesses, diet is an important factor in treatment and recovery. Some studies suggest that a high-fiber diet could be helpful in the treatment of melanoma. The American Association for Cancer Research presented their findings earlier this year, which suggested that patients who are being treated with anti-PD-1 immunotherapy responded well to a high-fiber diet that was associated with a higher gut microbiome diversity. The research is still new, and needs a bigger sample size, of course, but a healthy diet nonetheless is never a bad idea!
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